
Abraham Cowley Quotes - Page 2

Plenty, as well as Want, can separate friends.

Abraham Cowley (1679). “The Works of Mr Abraham Cowley: Consisting of Those which Were Formerly Printed : and Those which He Design'd for the Press”, p.89

His time's forever, everywhere his place.

"Friendship in Absence". Poem by Abraham Cowley, Stanza 3,

Poets by Death are conquer'd but the wit Of poets triumphs over it.

Abraham Cowley (1779). “The Works of the English Poets. With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, by Samuel Johnson”, p.86

All this world's noise appears to me a dull, ill-acted comedy!

Abraham Cowley, Thomas Sprat (1710). “The works of Mr. Abraham Cowley ...: Consisting of those which were formerly printed; and those which he design'd for the press, publish'd out of the author's original copies. With The cutter of Coleman-street ...”, p.94

And I myself a Catholic will be, So far at least, great saint, to pray to thee. Hail, Bard triumphant! and some care bestow On us, the Poets militant below.

Abraham Cowley (1777). “Select Works of Mr. A. Cowley: In Two Volumes: with a Preface and Notes by the Editor. ...”, p.134

Does not the passage of Moses and the Israelites into the Holy Land yield incomparably more poetic variety than the voyages of Ulysses or Aeneas?

Abraham Cowley, Thomas Sprat (1710). “The Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley ...: Consisting of Those which Were Formerly Printed, and Those which He Design'd for the Press, Publish'd Out of the Author's Original Copies ; with The Cutter of Coleman-street”

Who that has reason, and his smell, Would not among roses and jasmin dwell?

Abraham Cowley, Thomas Sprat (1826). “Prose works of Abraham Cowley ; including his essays in prose and verse”, p.175

Books should, not Business, entertain the Light; And Sleep, as undisturb'd as Death, the Night.

Abraham Cowley, Thomas Sprat (1710). “The works of Mr. Abraham Cowley ...: Consisting of those which were formerly printed; and those which he design'd for the press, publish'd out of the author's original copies. With The cutter of Coleman-street ...”, p.181

The world's a scene of changes.

'The Mistress: or...Love Verses' (1647) 'Inconstancy'

His faith, perhaps, in some nice tenets might Be wrong; his life, I'm sure, was in the right.

Abraham Cowley (1772). “Select works of mr. A. Cowley [ed. by R. Hurd].”, p.134

Beauty, thou wild fantastic ape Who dost in every country change thy shape!

Abraham Cowley, Samuel Johnson (1822). “The Poems of Abraham Cowley ...”, p.57

Lukewarmness I account a sin, as great in love as in religion.

'The Mistress: or...Love Verses' 'The Request'

What a brave privilege is it to be free from all contentions, from all envying or being envied, from receiving or paying all kinds of ceremonies!

Abraham Cowley, Thomas Sprat (1826). “Prose works of Abraham Cowley ; including his essays in prose and verse”, p.137