
Aeschylus Quotes about Art

Words are the physicians of a mind diseased.

Words are the physicians of a mind diseased.

"Prometheus Bound". Play by Aeschylus,

Remember to be submissive, thou art analien, a fugitive, and in need.

Supplices, l.202 (translated by H Weir Smyth).

O Death the Healer, scorn thou not, I pray, To come to me: of cureless ills thou art The one physician. Pain lays not its touch Upon a corpse.

Aeschylus (1873). “The Tragedies of Æschylos: A New Translation, with a Biographical Essay, and an Appendix of Rhymed Choral Odes”, p.340

Necessity is stronger far than art.

Aeschylus (1821). “The tragedies of Aeschylus”, p.25

Art is far feebler than necessity.

Aeschylus, James Scully, C. John Herington (1989). “Prometheus Bound”, p.53, Oxford University Press