Everybody needs time to reflect and contemplate, and the most inspirational and peaceful place to do so is in nature.
Miracle is a misunderstood reality.
I have been blessed by God. And if I'm blessed, there is one reason and one reason only, and that is to help others.
A message from a flower: "Do not pick me. I want to live".
Hallucination is a raw climb to a dead end.
Infinity imagines curiosity from the wild abyss - Only the child makes a swing-set view of the worlds upside down. Unwatched truth is the enchantment of childhood.And we never grow out of it.
Past is deaf. Future is mute. Present is blind.
An illusion can never go faster than the speed limit of reality.
No supernatural can exist for the mankind that does not want to believe it.
I do not condemn any personal choices for intimate relationships. Love is love. I detest only the violence and trauma that any self-centered conduct can cause to others.
Just as you commit to this life when it commits to leaving you.
Everyone has a watched life. Everyone is both the observer and the observed.
Secret to time is beyond our reason.
I broke down all conclusions into illusions and confusions.
Behind each door we shake is a reality.
The pride never leads, never submits, and never leaves.
There's so much negativity in the media.
Many imitate limits, not unlimited potentials.
The tree of life for me is a symbol of abundance and eternal life.
I really like working by myself without any distractions, learning from my own mistakes.
I really love sharing my gift with others. At the same time, I'm just a normal kid having fun and that's what life is all about-having fun at the same time as helping people.
I wish that people could love more.
We cannot complain to the possibility.
Before pride waves a white flag, it waves all other colors.
We hear inconceivable, but cannot see the intangible.