It seems some have chosen to ignore or have simply forgotten the big-picture vision promoted by Dr. King and his kin.
We need to make some real fundamental change from the Constitution down in this country.
The dream was not to put one black family in the White House, the dream was to make everything equal in everybody's house.
On Saturday of MLK weekend, just days before the inauguration, thousands of people joined me in the nation`s capital to protect the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The icy rain did not deter us as we reminded Donald Trump and other leaders that we will not be silenced.
This is not about what party you're part of. This is about right and wrong, ... the conscience of this nation.
James Brown lives, as long as someone steps out of their body and dances uncontrollably.
I disagree with Muhammad. I'm against hate, anti-Semitism and homophobia. This is not a village of hate. It's a village of hope. Don't let midgets give us a bad name. There are still giants in Harlem, giants who will stand up for our children.
We're not willing to give black leaders second chances because, in most cases, we're not willing to give them first chances.
The United States government has the obligation to educate all young people in this country.
America can't work for only some people and become a dream for all people. It has to work for everyone. And even though everyone might not end up at the same place, if everyone starts with the same beginning, then that's the dream fulfilled. We all don't have the same abilities, but we should have the same opportunities.
During my 2004 presidential campaign, I was fond of saying that it was high time for the Christian right to meet the right Christians.
Better to die of something than to die in old age of nothing.
Some issues you just - you certainly you have to defend yourself, but you certainly don`t have to denigrate others.
The Baltimore Police Department had engaged in a pattern of practice of conduct that violated the constitution and federal law, and this conduct had eroded trust and to deprive the people of Baltimore of the rights and the protections guaranteed to every American.
It is time to bring down the volume and bring up the program.
You can't get a solution if you won't talk to the people that have the problem. You can't ever have healing if the patient is left out of the operation room.
This is not just an agreement for the police department, this is an agreement that gets the police department working with the community and the community understanding its role as it continues to work with the police department.
How do you make things fair?
If O.J. had been accused of killing his black wife, you would not have seen the same passion stirred up.
But we believed if we kept on working, if we kept on marching, if we kept on voting, if we kept on believing, we would make America beautiful for everybody.
I understand deficit spending. I was born in deficit spending.
I'm projected as an ambulance chaser, but I'm more the ambulance. People call me because they know I will come.... I have never fought a case where they didn't ask me to come. People have this picture like I'm sitting up in bed at night with a walkie-talkie. "You hear anything? Oh, let's run! It's Virginia today!"... Every victim calls us.... "Who put Sharpton in charge?" The victim!
I've never done anything else in my life other than preach and be an activist. Way before I was known.
We won`t back down! We won`t be trumped!
We blacks had problems in the '60s and we solved them by marching. We've still got problems - let's march.