
Alexander MacLaren Quotes - Page 4

Man's course begins in a garden, but it ends in a city.

Alexander Maclaren (1902). “The Secret of Power: And Other Sermons”

My child, wilt thou not at this time cry unto me, 'Abba, Father?'

"Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers" by Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, (p. 228), 1895.

Embrace in one act the two truths-thine own sin, and God's infinite mercy in Jesus Christ.

Alexander Maclaren (1869). “Sermons preached in Manchester”, p.128

Heaven is endless longing, accompanied with an endless fruition-a longing which is blessedness, a longing which is life.

Alexander MacLaren “MacLaren's Commentary- Expositions of Holy Scripture”, Delmarva Publications, Inc.