
Alexander Smith Quotes - Page 3

I would rather be remembered by a song than by a victory.

Alexander Smith (1863). “Dreamthorp: A Book of Essays Written in the Country”, p.144

My heart like moon-charmed waters, all unrest.

Alexander Smith (1858). “A Life-drama, and Other Poems”, p.104

In my garden I spend my days; in my library I spend my nights.

Alexander Smith (2012). “Dreamthorp A Book of Essays Written in the Country”, p.221, tredition

The dead keep their secrets, and in a while we shall be as wise as they - and as taciturn.

Alexander Smith (1863). “Dreamthorp: A Book of Essays Written in the Country”, p.65

Not on the stage alone, in the world also, a man's real character comes out best in his asides.

Alexander Smith (1863). “Dreamthorp: A Book of Essays Written in the Country”, p.92

The only thing a man knows is himself.

Alexander Smith (1863). “Dreamthorp: A Book of Essays Written in the Country”, p.186