
Amy Winehouse Quotes - Page 3

I'm a young woman and I'm going to write about what I know.

"Singer Amy Winehouse Found Dead". July 23, 2011.

And as a writer, your self-worth is literally based on the last thing you wrote.

"Oh, beehive: Rebel Winehouse set to tackle U.S.", March 5, 2007.

I don't have emotional needs, only physical ones.

"Dietrich with a nose-stud" by Dave Simpson, October 28, 2003.

If I heard someone else singing like me, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

"Charmed and dangerous". Interview with Garry Mulholland, February 1, 2004.

I wouldn't say I'm a feminist, but I don't like girls pretending to be stupid because it's easier.

"What I know about men". Interview with Chloe Diski, October 7, 2006.

The jazz I love is sweet and pure with raw elements, which is exactly what the good hip-hop is doing now.

"Frank opinions" by Will Hodgkinson, February 24, 2004.

Basically, I live to do gigs.

"Winehouse: Drink, Drugs And Me", February 13, 2007.

I was hit by a car once on my bike, but I still rode home.

Interview with Rosanna Greenstreet, January 13, 2007.

I've had everything pierced at some point.

"Dietrich with a nose-stud" by Dave Simpson, October 28, 2003.

I've never been a boyfriend kind of girl.

"What I know about men". Interview with Chloe Diski, October 7, 2006.