The way Spain has now behaved in Catalonia, after the referendum, is a total disgrace. If this continues, it will all reach the point of no return. You cannot start sexually harassing women and then break their fingers, one by one, because they want to have their own state. You cannot injure hundreds of innocent people, who simply don't want to be governed from Madrid. That's absurd and thoroughly sick! Spain used to commit holocausts all over what is now called Latin America, so it is 'in their blood'. But I don't think Catalans will allow this to be done to them.
I don't think independance of Catalonia would have any great positive or negative impact on the rest of the world. As an internationalist, I don't really care if they are separate from Spain or not, or whether they are even richer than they already are, as I care much more about what is happening in places such as Afghanistan, Venezuela or North Korea.
"Democracy" means nothing else other than, "rule of the people", in Greek. There is nothing democratic about the political concepts of the United States and Europe.
People have been tolerating their insane political system, in exchange for the countless privileges they are getting from their countries' plundering of the planet, and violating entire nations and continents. But in Africa, Asia and elsewhere, those "un-people" have no choice at all.
As it is now, decades after 1965, the people of Indonesia have no clue about any other system except their own, or about true democracy.
To create such people, such People's Representatives in Indonesia, would take decades, and they can only grow up in a fundamentally different political system, and in a totally new culture. What is now governing Indonesia is morally defunct, it is corrupt. What is ruling the country now is not even a culture or a political system: it is a disease.
Children in Indonesia are scared because they are like the property of their parents and mostly treated as such. Women are scared because they are humiliated on a daily basis and treated like meat, like sexual objects, like slaves.
Indonesian people are living in constant fear, in horror. Often they do not realize it, because this state of mind, this 'living in fear', is considered 'biasa'. This fear, also explains why almost nobody rebels, or is willing to start a rebellion against the regime. People are paralyzed by an abstract fear, which actually has its roots in ignorance and insecurity.
Russia, despite its heavy flirtation with capitalism and some quite unsavory oligarchs, is still building its foreign policy on the Soviet ideals of internationalism, solidarity and logic. And even domestically, President [Vladin]Putin is slowly, step-by-step, restoring many important Soviet achievements that were torpedoed by a nitwit, and one gangster - [Mikhail] Gorbachev and [Boris] Yeltsin.
There is absolutely no solidarity in the West towards its own victims, and the recent 'refugee crises' is direct proof of it.
You give Europeans once again 'all benefits that they can eat', you make them work shorter hours, and you give more money, and they'd be back in a self-congratulatory, self-righteous mode; damned be the rest of the world.
The West, both the elites (consciously) and ordinary people (sub-consciously), want Russia to go to hell; to disappear, drown, explode. It is because Russia is once again defending humanism all over the world.
Russia and China have become two great allies. They'd never be divided as they were during the Cold War Days. Russia and China together cannot be defeated: militarily, economically or morally.
Russian people, like their Chinese comrades, are well aware of what is going on. And there are tens of millions of their martyrs who are reminding them what is to be expected from the West.
The West can only try to destroy Russia and China internally, through horrendous sets of tricks, propaganda and toxic lies. But now even such a scenario is unlikely.
Many women are so scared of the society and of their families, that if they get pregnant out of wedlock, they would rather abandon their children-throw them into the gutter, than to confront society. Indonesia has one of the highest child-abandonment rates in the world, but again, most of it goes unreported.
People in Indonesia are scared of being assaulted, insulted, robbed or raped. Again, it is because they are unprotected. Police and even the legal system are corrupt or/and on the side of the rich. Victims see no justice. How could you not be scared in almost total lawlessness?
Indonesian people have no idea whom they are actually voting for, or of what their political system consists of. It is so easy to fool them.
Decent education in INdonesia is strictly for the elites, and those who are educated are using their knowledge to extract even more from the country, and not to improve it as a whole.
First of all, Indonesian people have to be educated and to know what they want and what their country is all about. The interests of the people have to be put first! The entire society has to work day and night in order to improve the lives of the majority. Basically, we need the opposite of what is Indonesia right now, which is: the majority-serving business interests of the local gangsters and their foreign handlers.
I believe that Indonesia has to first be ruled by some form of a socialist system, before we can even start talking about 'democracy'.
Indonesia is one of the most scary and scared places on earth.
And of course, Indonesian people are above all scared of being 'different'. Being different here is punished brutally. Different people get mocked, ostracized, raped, tortured, and murdered. They are banned. To be a Communist is banned. To be gay is banned. To be an atheist is banned. To be a Taoist is banned. Being one of a thousand things is banned.
Some people in Indonesia say they are content, but in fact most of them are miserable. People say they are not poor, even if they take water from the gutter and live in a carton shack. They say they are not afraid, because even the horror they are experiencing every day, is not allowed here to be defined as fear. If it is, the families, the officials, and mass media, mock it.
People are scared of falling sick in Indonesia, because Indonesia has one of the most compassionless medical systems in the world, totally abandoned to market forces. Medical care here is just 'business', as everything else here has become 'business'. It is quite terrifying and grotesque.