
Andy Warhol Quotes about Love

People should fall in love with their eyes closed.

People should fall in love with their eyes closed.

Andy Warhol (2014). “The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: From A to B and Back Again”, p.63, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Fantasy love is much better than reality love. Never doing it is very exciting. The most exciting attractions are between two opposites that never meet.

Andy Warhol (2014). “The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: From A to B and Back Again”, p.57, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

The most exciting thing is not doing it. If you fall in love with someone and never do it, it's much more exciting.

Andy Warhol (2014). “The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: From A to B and Back Again”, p.54, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Love and sex can go together and sex and unlove can go together and love and unsex can go together. But personal love and personal sex is bad.

Andy Warhol (2014). “The Philosophy of Andy Warhol: From A to B and Back Again”, p.59, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt