
Anne Hathaway Quotes - Page 2

I've been extraordinarily successful for my age. I think for probably anyone's age, I'm very fortunate.

I've been extraordinarily successful for my age. I think for probably anyone's age, I'm very fortunate.

"The Devil Wears Prada - Anne Hathaway interview". Interview with Jack Foley,

I can think of few things more painful than naming four good things about yourself in front of a room of journalists!

"Love & Other Drugs - Anne Hathaway interview". Interview with Rob Carnevale,

Love is a human experience, not a political statement.

"10 Notable Celebrity LGBT Supporters" by Meena Jang, October 3, 2015.

I see myself as improving. I think I'm a very curious person, and I like that about myself .

Interview with Chelsea Handler, August 16, 2011.

Everybody has bad relationships and, at the end of the day, they are just a great way to set yourself up for a good relationship.

"Anne Hathaway: 'That was a bad relationship!'" by Elaine Lipworth, December 20, 2010.

Mellow doesn't always make for a good story, but it makes for a good life.

"Anne Hathaway Engaged to Adam Shulman!" by Justin Ravitz, November 28, 2011.

Obsessing about weight is a big old waste of time.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".

If young kids choose to have me as a role model...what I put out there is that it's not a perfect life and it's okay to make mistakes.

"Anne Hathaway Talks The Devil Wears Prada". Interview with Julian Roman, June 28, 2006.

Im much happier talking with people than I am flirting with them.

"Anne Hathaway: 'I'm much happier talking with people than I am flirting with them'". Interview with Imogen Carter, December 26, 2010.