
Baruch Spinoza Quotes - Page 5

Whatsoever is, is in God.

Baruch Spinoza (2015). “Ethics”, p.22, Baruch Spinoza

In the state of nature, wrong-doing is impossible ; or, if anyone does wrong, it is to himself, not to another.

"Political Treatise" by Baruch Spinoza, translated by A. H. Gosset, (Ch. 2), 1883.

If slavery, barbarism and desolation are to be called peace, men can have no worse misfortune.

"Political Treatise" by Baruch Spinoza, translated by A. H. Gosset, (Ch. 6), 1883.

Only free men are thoroughly grateful one to another.

Baruch Spinoza (1981). “Ethics”, p.221, Commodius Vicus

God and all attributes of God are eternal.

"Ethics". Book by Baruch Spinoza, Prop. 19, 1677.