Madness ends sometimes. The Gods decree it, not man.
You know what circumcision is, Private?
Latin! The language of God! Or perhaps He speaks Hebrew? I suppose that's more likely and it will make things rather awkward in heaven, won't it? Will we all have to learn Hebrew?
Then you start another book and suddenly the galley proofs of the last one come in and you have to wrench your attention away from what you're writing and try to remember what you were thinking when you wrote the previous one.
At risk of sounding foully pompous I think that writers' groups are probably very useful at the beginning of a writing career.
I sometimes wonder what would have happened if the first book had not sold... doesn't bear thinking about, but I suppose we'd have made it work somehow.
Television is a young person's medium.
I'll happily mentor anyone who wants mentoring, and most of that goes on by internet rather than face to face.
I know nothing about producing TV drama and any involvement on my part is liable to prove an obstacle to the producers, so I prefer to be a cheerleader and let them get on with it.
A man does not see where he treads in battle, for he is watching the enemy.
So far it's 43 books in 25 years.
We don't build,' I said to my son, 'we just destroy.