
Boris Johnson Quotes - Page 3

The dreadful truth is that when people come to see their MP, they have run out of better ideas.

"What's wrong with 40 Liverpool Road?". Daily Telegraph, September 18, 2003.

I would ban sweets from school - but this pressure to bring in healthy food is too much.

"Boris in row over Jamie remarks". October 3, 2006.

The next Tory leader would have to unify his party and ensure that Britain stood tall in the world.

"Conservative MPs in uproar as Boris Johnson 'rips party apart' by withdrawing from leadership contest after ambush by Michael Gove" by Laura Hughes, June 30, 2016.

The Lib Dems are not just empty. They are a void within a vacuum surrounded by a vast inanition.

"The least said about Lib Dems, the better". Daily Telegraph, September 25, 2003.

You are part of our Great British family.

Facebook Post by Boris Johnson, June 30, 2016.

This is our chance to build a Britain where everyone benefits from the success of the economy.

"Conservative MPs in uproar as Boris Johnson 'rips party apart' by withdrawing from leadership contest after ambush by Michael Gove" by Laura Hughes, June 30, 2016.

It hasn't taken them long, they began by telling us they would have a positive and patriotic case and they're back to project fear within minutes. There they go again they have nothing positive to say.

"EU debate: Boris Johnson says Brexit will be 'Britain's independence day' as Ruth Davidson attacks 'lies' of Leave campaign in front of 6,000-strong Wembley audience". BBC One's debate at Wembley Arena, London, June 21, 2016.

Humanity would have plunged into a new dark age of absolutely frightening and appalling characteristics without Churchill.

"London Mayor Boris Johnson: 'We Can't Leave Europe, We're Part of the Continent'". Interview with Thomas Hüetlin, Christoph Scheuermann, August 12, 2015.

It just happens I write fast and always have done.

"Boris Johnson, Tory With an Attitude". Interview with Andrew Goldman, June 1, 2012.

I have not been more robust towards female rather than male assembly members and I do not believe I have been remotely sexist.

"Boris Johnson denies being sexist towards female politicians" by Hélène Mulholland, April 22, 2012.