I just like writing lyrics. I find a little satisfaction in performing live, making records. But primarily, I just try to write every day.
I don't really write for an album. I just write songs whenever I feel like it, whenever they come to me. It's all a complete accident.
I couldn't write a political song. There's just opinion; it's all arbitrary anyway. It's all subjective.
Even if I'm writing music, it's with a lyric in mind, to communicate some kind of feeling.
I write for myself, and I write for my friends and people who I have a connection with. I try to give some dignity to peoples' lifestyles that tend to be ignored.
The writing of the record didn't take long, because I just have a huge stack of papers and I just pluck from the stack. It took a long time because it's very expensive to make records; in fact, I think it's a complete rip-off.
I don't like the word "happy." I wouldn't want to use it that context. I enjoy writing songs, it's a really good challenge, it tickles me. It's a wonderful way to engage with your surroundings, through poetry and songs.
When I'm trying to write a song for someone else, you can only see anything through your own eyes.
I've always thought about myself as somewhat of a folk musician. I just write words.
I'm not trying to write for the masses. I don't care.
People take things a little too personal. I write these songs, and they're experiments with thoughts. That's it. I'm not a teacher.