You can do more, you can always do more.
The scoreboard can't make you a loser. If you walk off the field with your head up, you don't lose. You don't hang your head for nobody. People in the stands think you're the greatest or the worst - their opinion doesn't make a difference. The only opinion that makes any difference is your own opinion of yourself.
You have to feel you're the best at what you do. You don't have to come out and say it. But you have to know it within yourself.
Nobody can make you a loser.
Sure, the home-field is an advantage - but so is having a lot of talent.
As a young man God blessed me with a special talent to throw a football.
We didn't win a Super Bowl together, and that's something I'll always regret - not knowing what that feels like. But you and I have won more games together than any quarterback and coach combination in the history of the NFL.
I know I've got to just keep throwing the ball. That's what I do best.