I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored.
Well, I'm having a good time. Which makes me feel guilty too. How very English.
I mean, it is an extraordinary thing that a large proportion of your country and my country, of the citizens, never see a wild creature from dawn 'til dusk, unless it's a pigeon, which isn't really wild, which might come and settle near them.
Before the BBC, I joined the Navy in order to travel.
I'm absolutely strict about it. When I land, I put my watch right, and I don't care what I feel like, I will go to bed at half past eleven. If that means going to bed early or late, that's what I live by. As soon as you get there, live by that time.
I like animals. I like natural history. The travel bit is not the important bit. The travel bit is what you have to do in order to go and look at animals.
I think a major element of jetlag is psychological. Nobody ever tells me what time it is at home.