Eternity is a constant learning process. It will be another grade, another step, a chance to do what we failed to do before and to learn what we failed to learn before. Thank God for eternity! We've all probably got a lot of bad habits to change and failures to make up for. Maybe God will give each of us a chance to meet people who we've wronged and straighten things out and tell them we're sorry.
God has left that for the rest of time and eternity in order to give us something to do in the hereafter. We'll be able to learn more about the past and why things happened, as well as God's logic and purposes and the meaning of it all.
What shall I give Thee, Master? Thou who didst die for me! How can I give less than give of my best, When Thou hast given all to me! What shall I give Thee, Master? Thou who didst die for me! How can I give less than all of my best, I must give all to Thee!