All my TV shows are done live in front of audiences, and all the material I take on the road and travel with them test them for hundreds and hundreds of shows before I shoot them for TV.
I'm a horrible karaoke singer.
I've always taken a lot of cues from comedy minds. The guy that discovered me in the very beginning was Joseph Cates. Joe and Gil Cates were the Cates brothers. Gil produced the Oscars for many years. Joe produced a lot of comedy specials, Steve Martin specials, and he discovered me, this 18-year-old kid.
Performing my show is something I constantly think about.
[ Gil Cates] said, "You've got a point of view with your magic. There's this comedy to it, there's drama. You're telling stories with magic."
Later, when I was at Caesar's Palace, and [Joe and Gil Cates] were trying to get me to have opening acts for the show, they gave me a list of people, and Rosie O'Donnell was one of them. I said, "I don't really need any opening acts. I have funny stuff in the show, and I do a lot of comedy and stuff."
I have a bunch of islands in the Bahamas that we made into this amazing, magical place. And we have these birds; they're trained to do certain things on the island, which is awesome. These toucans had a baby toucan, and the baby toucan, every hour that you'd look at this toucan, he would change.
There was another guy suggested. He was a tall and dark-haired and Jewy, and I said, "No, he's too close to me." It ended up being Jerry Seinfeld.
Magic was a thing that, when I did it, it made all the kids go, "Ah, that's cool."
I act like I'm 14, if you haven't figured that out yet.
If I was gay, why would I hide it?
I'm really trying hard not to do anything that has been done before. So knowing everything I can about the legacy of magic challenges my team and I to invent new illusions.
For my father, being kind was natural... I have to really work at it. I love competing and winning, conquest - not words you usually associate with kindness.
There is a safe spot within every tornado. My job is to find it.
The key is for the audience never to know, so I have a plan B for every illusion.
I discovered something amazing, which has caused a lot of controversy - the fountain of youth. I have to keep it a secret!
The audiences are what keep me enthusiastic.
What I've tried to do in my stage magic is to take a trick and give it an emotional hook.
Magic and new technology have always walked hand in hand - even back in the days of Robert Houdin.
Physical rehab is often very, very hard work.
I discovered Musha Cay and the islands around it in the Exumas.
Never stop listening to your audience.
My uncle's house burned down when I was 6 years old. We got out safely. But ever since, I've had a nightmare of dying in a fire.
Magic has been something I've been really good at since I was really young. The ability has always come easy to me, I'm not sure why.
My dreams are my dress rehearsals for my future.