Producing is so exciting because you can enable things to happen, whether it's like discovering a filmmaker who you're taking a chance on, protecting a battle and driving home at the end of the day just going, "I'm so glad I stayed late at work and fought hard for that. Had my passion. Won that battle.
I'm a real stay-at-home mom. I'm really hands-on. Everything else became secondary.
We can't take a step backwards when we've already made so many strides forward. I was raised by gay men and's who I am, you cannot define a family. There are children out there who need these loving homes. These are rights that are fundamental and must be had. And I will fight for however long it takes; I don't want to live in a world where prop 8 exists!
I really wanted a wonderful, traditional home for my kid.
I'm certainly not an uptight home owner.