
Duke of Wellington Quotes - Page 2

My rule always was to do the business of the day in the day.

Stanhope 'Notes of Conversations with the Duke of Wellington' 2 November 1835

The battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.

Attributed in N.Y. Times, 26 Dec. 1886. The earliest trace of this quotation was in Charles de Montalembert, De l'Avenir Politique de l'Angleterre (1856). Montalembert quoted Wellington, supposedly visiting his old school, in French: "C'est ici qu'a ete gagnee la bataille de Waterloo." In fact,Wellington was a notably unenthusiastic alumnus of Eton, and Elizabeth Longford, in Wellington: The Years of the Sword (1969), concludes that "probably he never said or thought anything of the kind." See O

I have seen their backs before.

Attributed to Wellington as a statement to King Louis XVIII at a ball in the spring of 1814,

A great country cannot wage a little war.

Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington (2012). “Maxims and Opinions of Field-Marshal His Grace the Duke of Wellington, Selected From His Writings and Speeches During a Public Life of More Than Half a Century”, p.377, tredition

Napoleon has humbugged me, by God; he has gained twenty-four hours' march on me.

Said at the Duchess of Richmond's ball on June 15, 1815. "Camps, Quarters and Casual Places" by Archibald Forbes, 1896.

I used to say of him that his presence on the field made the difference of forty thousand men.

Quoted in Philip Henry Stanhope, Notes of Conversations with the Duke of Wellington (1888) (entry for 2 Nov. 1831)