It isn't that easy to live according to intuition, yet, it's so totally cool once we can get beyond the other voices and hear our intuition.
The thing about the intuition is that there's always a calmness to it, if it says yes to us or even if it says no. It's always very calm and a feeling of wisdom comes with it.
Using your intuition is such a wonderful way to live. It's very exciting.
Intuition is something all of us have been given.
I always turn to my intuition for personal guidance.
One thing my teacher taught me about getting psychic information with my intuition was to say, "Just show me the truth of this situation, God." That helps us to be able to read it more clearly.
Men have never really been encouraged to listen to their intuition, or told that they have an intuition. It's been more of a female thing, at least according to our society, but that's not true at all.