Actually, we have no problems-we have opportunities for which we should give thanks... An error we refuse to correct has many lives. It takes courage to face one's own shortcomings and wisdom to do something about them.
Destiny, or karma, depends upon what the soul has done about what it has become aware of.
You have inherited (the) most from yourself, not from your family! The family is only a river through which Soul flows.
Since karma is meeting self, we acquire karma as we meet self in our many attitudes and emotions; when we serve in loving kindness and patience or hold resentful malicious thoughts What we do to our fellow man we do to our Maker our karma or problem is within self.
In the beginning all souls were as a unity to the God-Force. As self added or subtracted that which was in keeping with God's purpose, ye added or subtracted from the blessings ye might be conscious of in materiality. Thus karma is builded. And the law is perfect - what ye sow, ye reap.
The journey of Soul... by the lessons gained in the physical experience... it may take (its) place in the realms of soul activity in an infinite world among others that have passed through the various realms... which first called every soul and body into experience.