I'm not worried about me or what's going to happen to me.
Compromise today is too often applauded simply for itself. The cost of compromise to principles and real lives doesn't seem to matter.
Everybody makes personal decisions that are right for them and if you're in political life, you're used to having those analyzed.
Every parent has gone through a period when their child wasn't so happy with them.
You know, there are no guarantees on prognosis.
To be perfectly frank, there is an odd place after losing a child, where you think somehow your life is worth less.
Sometimes you get politicians who dig their feet into the sand and aren't willing to listen to another voice.
If people think that you're throwing babies out, dissecting children, to do stem-cell research, I'm not for that.
I've had to come to grips with a God that fits my own experience, which is, my God could not be offering protection and not have protected my boy.
I've had experiences that, you know, really couldn't be replaced.
I'm not a victim - I never want to be perceived that way.
I'm actually one of those people who get up energetic in the morning.
I was an English major in college, and then I went to graduate school in English at the University of North Carolina for three years.
I grew up in a Navy family.
I love children, love spending time with them; I love getting things for them.
Everybody has their burdens, their grief that they carry with them.
I took my son's name. I didn't take my husband's name.
You never know when something's going to hit you in a particular way and just knock you loose.
I do think voters do take into consideration - particularly early state voters - take into consideration a wide range of factors, including electability, and they know that part of electability is the total package that you're presenting.
I would have made different choices. You know, I might have married somebody else.
I've spent a lot of words on my own mortality.
You're young. Maybe there'll be time for a do-over if you don't get it right the first time. But there are no guarantees. There will come a time as it has for me when there's no time for a do-over.
The photograph contains and constrains within its own boundaries, excluding all else, a microcosmic analogue of the framing of space which is knowledge. As such it becomes a metaphor of power, having the ability to appropriate and decontextualize time and space and those who exist within it.
Whenever anyone pulls out of the race, you know, unless they've just been trounced in the days before, there's also - always a lot of questions about why that happened.
Almost everybody embraces life.