Yes, I don't read books for entertainment.
And at NYU, I went to the Atlantic Theater Company, and they have two main points. One of them is to always be active in something instead of just feeling it. And the other is figuring out your character.
Probably the most difficult scene to film was the one where I'm attacked. I haven't thought about it in a while because, in hindsight, you make jokes about it and you get funny stories from it. When I was talking about it earlier today, I started to realize that it took a couple days probably to get over. Even if you can laugh about it, it's still the physical things that your body has to go through, it's pretty insane.
I feel it is obvious when someone has thought too much about what they're wearing.
I really actually enjoy auditioning.
I always went to see independent films, they're the movies I'm usually most excited to see.
What is this land of Instagram, social media? Having a lot of likes and a lot of followers, and getting paid for it? I kind of found it to be really twisted, but then I started to see how it worked, and see how powerful it was, and how impressionable we all are.
Well, I'd love to work with Kate Winslet - she's amazing.
Not since I was 10, trying to get Nick Vossler's attention in PE. 'Red Rover, Red Rover, send Nicholas right over!'
No, I wouldn't want the paparazzi ever following me in my life.
I like being able to play make believe as my job. I think I played make-believe growing up a little too long - probably to an inappropriate age. I played make-believe until I was, like, 13 and probably should have been doing something else. But other than that, it's fun to be able to have to learn about different people.
I think she by this point has learned that Stark's not specifically responsible for her parents' death - that it's more something that has to do with him stopping... I think there's even a reference to him stopping his selling of weapons because they cause damage.
I do think in this film [Captain America] we try to tie together that their relationship has gotten stronger - that their friendship has gotten stronger from the last film, sure.
And I've been taking acting classes since I was 7.
My brother knows more about film sets than I do, because he works at New York Film Academy.
My friends and I started making films when I was still in kindergarten.
Living in L.A., I was embarrassed to say that I wanted to be an actor.