Any home where there is love constitutes a family and all families should have the same legal rights, including the right to marry and have or adopt children. Why shouldn't gay people be able to live as open and freely as everybody else?
I have a woman's body and a child's emotions.
I've been married too many times. How terrible to change children's affiliations, their affections - to give them the insecurity of placing their trust in someone when maybe that someone won't be there next year.
I have never felt more alive than when I watched my children delight in something, never more alive than when I have watched a great artist perform, and never richer than when I have scored a big check to fight AIDS.
I have the emotions of a child in the body of a woman. I was rushed into womanhood for the movies. It caused me long moments of unhappiness and doubt.
Marilyn Monroe seemed to have a kind of unconscious glow about her physical self that was innocent, like a child. When she posed nude, it was 'Gee, I am kind of, you know, sort of dishy,' like she enjoyed it without being egotistical.
On Michael Jackson and child stardom: He had one of the worst childhoods ever. I think I had the second.