
Emma Roberts Quotes - Page 2

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I love vintage shopping, I think it's really fun. And I love the feeling of finding the most amazing piece for less.

"Emma Roberts Reveals Her Style Secrets!" by Kelli Acciardo, October 21, 2011.

Jennifer Aniston is a genius.

"Emma Roberts: ‘Jennifer Aniston Is A Genius, It Was A Dream Come True To Work With Her’ (EXCLUSIVE)". Interview with Leigh Blickley, December 23, 2012.

You can't trust actors.

"Emma Roberts and Hayden Panettiere Interview SCREAM 4". Interview with Christina Radish, April 12, 2011.

I'll be ready for my first kiss! When it happens, it'll happen, but I don't know. It doesn't look like that will be anytime soon.

"Emma Roberts Is Fabulous!" by Jody Bryson, Girl's Life Magazine, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 45-46, 2005.

I only like food without color, like potatoes, bread, and pasta.

Interview with Seventeen magazine, June 12, 2007.