This God who, as the psalmist said, built His tabernacles in the sun, now establishes Himself in the very core of the flesh and the blood.
Every novel worthy of the name is like another planet, whether large or small, which has its own laws just as it has its own flora and fauna.
A good critic is the sorcerer who makes some hidden spring gush forth unexpectedly under our feet.
I love Germany so much I'm glad there are two of them.
Let us be wary of ready-made ideas about cowardice and courage: the same burden weighs infinitely more heavily on some shoulders than on others.
The temples of those who deny the Real Presence are like corpses. The Lord was taken away and we do not know where they have laid Him.
The Eucharist engages us unreservedly; it is a pact of love, an alliance signed in the deeper recesses of our being. All our potentialities are called upon to warrant the protection and fulfillment of this pact.
The arrogance of poets is only a defense; doubt gnaws the greatest among them; they need our testimony to escape despair.
Being for every man the touchstone of faith and love, the Eucharist, like on the Cross, divided the minds as soon as it was announced... Nothing engages a man as much as does the Eucharist