
Fred Thompson Quotes - Page 3

All Quotes Acting Country Waiting

Roe v. Wade was bad law and bad medical science.

"Did NBC Misrepresent Thompson as Being Opposed to Overturning Roe?" by Mark Finkelstein, March 12, 2007.

I'd just say the flies get bigger in the summertime. I guess the flies are buzzing.

"Fred Thompson Thrills Young GOP, Romney Also Impresses". July 08, 2007.

There's a lot more to competence than a law degree and a modicum of courtroom skill.

"Choosing a New Supreme Court Justice". "Special Report With Brit Hume", July 06, 2005.

We are always just one successful terrorist attack away from a nuclear disaster.

Iowa Campaign Speech "Hands Down" in Days Inn - Manchester, Iowa, December 18, 2007.