
George MacDonald Quotes about Desire

We are dwellers in a divine universe where no desires are in vain - if only they be large enough.

We are dwellers in a divine universe where no desires are in vain - if only they be large enough.

Hans Christian Andersen, Michael W. Perry, George MacDonald (2001). “Stories for Girls: Lovingly Adapted for Twenty-First Century Children”, p.6, Inkling Books

There is no inborn longing that shall not be fulfilled. I think that is as certain as the forgiveness of sins.

George MacDonald (2015). “ADELA CATHCART – The Complete Fantasy Tales Series: The Light Princess, The Shadows, Christmas Eve, The Giant’s Heart, The Broken Swords, The Cruel Painter, The Castle and many more”, p.129, e-artnow

I dare not say with Paul that I am the slave of Christ, but my highest aspiration and desire is to be the slave of Christ.

George MacDonald, Rolland Hein (2004). “Creation in Christ: Unspoken Sermons”, p.80, Regent College Publishing

Some thinkers would feel sorely hampered if at liberty to use no forms but such as existed in nature, or to invent nothing save in accordance with the laws of the world of the senses; but it must not therefore be imagined that they desire escape from the region of law.

George MacDonald (2015). “The Complete Works of George MacDonald: Novels, Short Stories, Poetry, Theological Writings & Essays (Illustrated): The Princess and the Goblin, Phantastes, At the Back of the North Wind, Lilith, England’s Antiphon, David Elginbrod, Malcolm, The Light Princess, The Golden Key and many more”, p.14179, e-artnow