
George Whitefield Quotes about Prayer

The true believer can no more live without prayer, than without food day by day.

The true believer can no more live without prayer, than without food day by day.

George Whitefield (1828). “Sermons on important subjects ... With a memoir of the Author by S. Drew; and a dissertation on his character, preaching, etc., by Joseph [or rather Josiah] Smith”, p.485

You might as reasonably expect to find a living man without breath, as a true Christian without the spirit of prayer and supplication.

George Whitefield, G. B. (1829). “The Revived Puritan. Select Works of ... G. W., ... Containing a Memoir of His Life, Etc. [Edited by G. B.]”, p.621

Whole days and weeks have I spent prostrate on the ground in silent or vocal prayer.

John Gillies, George Whitefield (1839). “Memoirs of Rev. George Whitefield”, p.17