Gilbert K. Chesterton Quotes - Page 13

Employers will give time to eat, time to sleep; they are in terror of a time to think.
"Utopia of Usurers". Book by G. K. Chesterton, p. 31, 1917.
No man's really any good till he knows how bad he is, or might be.
Gilbert K. Chesterton (1927). “The Secret of Father Brown”
Dogma does not mean the absence of thought, but the end of thought.
"The Victorian Age in Literature". Book by Gilbert K. Chesterton, p.43, 1913.
"Twelve Types". Book by Gilbert K. Chesterton, 1903.
"Heretics". Chapter XIV: "On Certain Modern Writers and the Book by Gilbert K. Chesterton, Institution of the Family", 1905.
Heretics (1905) ch. 3
1910 What's Wrong with the World, ch.3.
Gilbert K. Chesterton (2013). “The Essential Gilbert K. Chesterton”, p.20, Simon and Schuster