The moment you accept responsibility for EVERYTHING in your life, is the moment you gain the power to change ANYTHING in your life.
Replace your judgments with empathy, upgrade your complaining to gratitude and trade in your fear for love.
Life isn't about wishing you were somewhere, or someone that you're not. Life is about enjoying where you are, loving who you are and consistently improving both.
Believe in your potential, not your past.
Don't worry about trying to impress people... Just focus on how you can add value to their lives.
As a leader, parent, or friend - don't let someone's poor attitude and poor performance hinder your commitment to holding them to higher standards. You don't need to make the person 'wrong' for the way they're behaving, simply point out that the behavior is ineffective.
Every single one of us already has everything we need to be the happiest person on earth; it's simply up to us to remember that in every moment.
When you are consciously aware of all that you have to be grateful for, your life is in perfect harmony.