However fake the subject, once photographed, it's as good as real.
Art resides even in things with no artistic intentions.
Art is technique: a means by which to materialize the invisible realm of the mind.
Art always helps religion; it became an inseparable phenomenon when human beings gained consciousness.
The 1,000 Buddha, to me, is almost like a contemporary art piece.
I didn't want to be criticized for taking low-quality photographs, so I tried to reach the best, highest quality of photography and then to combine this with a conceptual art practice. But thinking back, that was the wrong decision [laughs]. Developing a low-quality aesthetic is a sign of serious fine art-I still see this.
Art and religion have the same origin. Art first, or religion first? Maybe consciousness first! Consciousness always comes with religious feeling and artistic identification. It's the same origin.
My art has gained some high value.