
Howard G. Hendricks Quotes about Study

The moment you come to a passage of scripture and say, Oh, I know this one already, you're in deep trouble.

The moment you come to a passage of scripture and say, "Oh, I know this one already," you're in deep trouble.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible”, p.48, Moody Publishers

If you are not thinking correctly, you are not living correctly. What you believe will determine how you behave.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book/Living By the Book Workbook Set”, p.13, Moody Publishers

So it is with scripture. The word of God is there, able to transform your life. But you must probe for it. You have to penetrate the surface with more than just a cursory glance.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible”, p.54, Moody Publishers

The Bible is owned, read on occasion, even taken to church - but not studied.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible”, p.10, Moody Publishers

So the real question confronting you now is: How can you afford not to be in God's Word?

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book/Living By the Book Workbook Set”, p.14, Moody Publishers

Prayer is especially crucial when you come to a place in your study where you are stuck and confused.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible”, p.68, Moody Publishers

The point, do whatever it take to approach the Word with a fresh perspective.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible”, p.49, Moody Publishers

..Advantage of the Bible is that it is profitable for training in righteous living.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible”, p.17, Moody Publishers

The genius of the Word of God is that it has staying power; it can stand up to repeated exposure.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book/Living By the Book Workbook Set”, p.54, Moody Publishers

There's an old saying that nothing good happens fast. I don't know if that's altogether true, but it does have some bearing on Bible study.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible”, p.61, Moody Publishers

It Bible opens up the doors in your life, and provides a purifying dynamic to help you clean out sin and learn to conform to God's will.

Howard G. Hendricks, William D. Hendricks (2007). “Living By the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible”, p.17, Moody Publishers