Writing, like any art, is a continuing process of discovering the infinite possibilities of Life.
There are a lot of people in this country who really like my writing. And a lot of writers respect me. But the so-called establishment? They hate me.
I have rituals for cleaning out resentments, disappointments, heartbreak, depression and for work. One of the things I do is go over old stuff if I have been unable to write for a while.
One of the things I have become aware of through the years is how much I love the people I write about.
I've always felt alienated. I realized that I've been terrified my entire life. So I can identify that fear which drives so many of the people that I write about.
I'm focusing on writing the best story I can write. Which means I'm doing everything I can to give the artist within me as much power as possible.
My writing is inspired by just about everything, yet I am unaware of so much of the process.