The highest degree of love is Tatayyum (total enthrallment). The lowest degree is 'alaqah (attachment), when the heart is attached to the beloved: then comes sabahah (infatuation), when the heart is poured out: then gharam (passion), when love never leaves the heart: the nashaq (ardent love), and finally tatayyum.
The more humble, needy, and subdued you are before Allah, the closer you will be to Him.
Contentment is the greatest door that one enters to Allah, it is the source of tranquility for the worshiper and paradise on earth. Whoever does not enter it will not enter the Paradise in the Hereafter.
If you correct your hidden deeds subsequently, Allaah will correct your outward deeds.
Imprisoned is he whose heart is imprisoned from Allâh. Captured is he who is captured by his desires.
Men mixing with women is like fire mixing with wood.
Verily, I constantly renew my Islam until this very day, as up to now, I do not consider myself to have ever been a good Muslim.
The sign of the people of bid’ah is that they do not follow the salaf.
Avoiding the temptation to sin and being patient upon that, is greater than being patient whilst being afflicted with trials.
The People of the Sunnah are the most knowledgeable of mankind concerning the truth, and the most merciful of the creation towards the rest of creation.
No love that a man has will only give him pleasure in return- he shall also suffer pain because of it, except for love of Allah.
What can you do with me? My jannah is in my heart! If you take me to jail, I will make zikr of Allah. If you exile me out of my land, I will make takaffur. If you execute me, I would be a shaheed. What can you do with me? Because I am not limited to this dunya. I am living for al-akhira!
A man will never fear something besides Allah unless it be due to a disease in his heart.
This whole religion revolves around knowing the truth and acting by it, and action must be accompanied by patience.
Don't depend too much on anyone.
Remembrance is to the heart what water is to the fish. And what is the state of a fish that leaves water?
Sins are like chains and locks preventing their perpetrator from roaming the vast garden of Tawheed and reaping the fruits of righteous actions.
What can my enemies do to me? I have in my breast both my Heaven and my Garden. If I travel they are with me, and they never leave me. Imprisonment for me is a religious retreat [khalwa]. To be slain for me is martyrdom [shahada] And to be exiled from my land is a spiritual journey [siyaha].
Sins cause harm and repentance removes the cause
The entire religion revolves around acknowledging the truth and then acting upon it.
Through patience and certainty, leadership in the religion is obtained.
Among the principles of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah lie the attitude of peace and purity of their heart and tongue towards the Sahaba(Companions) of the Prophet (saw).
The one who is [truly] imprisoned is the one whose heart is imprisoned from Allah and the captivated one is the one whose desires have enslaved him.
As for the people of Tasawwuf, they affirm the love of Allah, and this is more evident among them than all other issues....the affirmation of the love of Allah is well-known in the speech of their [old] and recent masters, just as it is affirmed in the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah and in agreement of the ways of the early generation (Salaf)
Perpetually is the servant either the recipient of a blessing from Allaah, in which case he is need of gratitude; or he is the perpetrator of sin, in which case he is in need of repentance; he is always moving from one blessing to another and is always is in need of repentance.