I'm sure that Zhang Lanxin could be an outstanding action movie actress. For one thing, she wouldn't require a stand-in. As for Yao Xingtong, she might be an excellent action performer in her next life.
I think as a celebrity, we have to teach the young generation how to speak with the old generation.
My wish is to bring my heroes to the big screen, and many of them have already appeared in my films.
I love animals. When I was young, I had two St. Bernards, I still have a dog, I have a lot of cats in my company. My wife always says, "You spend a lot of money on animals. More than even me!"
When I am making a film, I know what to do in front of a camera. What frightens me are the scenes with dialogue. Sometime they really want me to speak perfectly and I don't like that.
I make American films for American audiences and Asian films for Asian audiences.
I hope I can make some Hollywood-type action films like 'Batman' or 'Spiderman', action films like that. With some wire work, maybe wearing a mask. Like that.
I want to play a fireman and a spy. I want to learn special effects.
I loved cowboy movies when I was a kid. When I was five years old, I was already wearing a cowboy hat and suit. When I grew up, I knew John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Kirk Douglas and so on.
Every time I make American film I just trust American directors and American writers.
May we all co-operate and join this war on pirates.
China produces 600 movies in a year, of which 3 or 4 go abroad, while of the several hundred they make, we only bring in 50. It's 50 now, but that could be expanded later on.
I've been preparing [Chinese Zodiac] for seven years, spent seven years on writing the script, spent over a year on filming it.
I'm not sure if it's good to have freedom or not. I'm really confused now.
You cannot mix sports with politics.
Sometimes, I'm very embarrassed.