All things happen in their proper time. Everything in life happens in the time allocated for it. Don't waste energy worrying about end results. Worrying only distracts you from living day to day and enjoying life!
When you meditate, you activate cosmic energies.
Everything is energy. Thought is energy and thoughts are real things.
Thoughts are like bullets. You should be aware when you walk into a building what energy is there, whose thoughts are there. People should realize when people think of you their thought is on you.
When you're around negative energy it gets to you if you keep letting it affect you.
Thoughts are like bullets. They go right to you. You're like the target. When you walk around and you are depressed or there is fatigue or a behavior which you're not used to, that can be someone else's energy on you. You need to know how to clean that off. Also people want to contact loved ones who have passed over.