The longer you stay in the job that you do the more you learn about what those around you do. As an actor I've always nosed around apologetically about: "oh wouldn't it be interesting if I could do that?" I can't imagine not wanting to do this everyday.
Not many get a chance to hit the career re-set button.
Jennifer Aniston and I have always just really gotten along well... I was just fortunate to be a good fit for parts in her films.
I'd worked so hard that by the time I was 20, I wanted to play hard. And I did that really well.
I would rather do three or four small parts every year as opposed to some of the lower-hanging fruit that might get my name above the title.
I played a ton of team sports growing up, and team wins are just incredibly gratifying.
Tony Hale is a devout Christian and is a complete retard when it comes to swearing. The script called for him to swear for about 30 seconds and he just couldn't do it.
I just love doing sitcoms. I'd be in them till I was gray if they'd have me.
I'm in bed by nine. Let's get on with it.