
Jasper Johns Quotes - Page 3

All Quotes Art Childhood Painting

I never wish for critics.

"Master of few words". Interview With Emma Brockes, July 26, 2004.

Put a lot of paint & a wooden ball or other object on a board. Push to the other end of the board. Use this in a painting. - ruler on board.

Francis M. Naumann, Jasper Johns, Gagosian Gallery (1992). “Jasper Johns: according to what & watchman”

There was very little art in my childhood.

"Master of few words". Interview with Emma Brockes, July 26, 2004.

One likes to think that one anticipates changes in the spaces we inhabit, and our ideas about space.

"Master of few words". Interview With Emma Brockes, July 26, 2004.

I would tend to say that I do what I do as well as possible and that most people don't.

"New Again: Jasper Johns". Interview with Philip Smith, June 9, 2015.