We are plunging headlong into a cold war, and we have 2,000 nuclear weapons on hair-trigger alert.
The neocons are supporting Hillary [Clinton] just like the neoliberals are. She's seeking the endorsement of Henry Kissinger as well.
Let me say, it's - what a commentary it is on American media that you have to go to Russian television in order to get covered as a candidate in this election. It's pretty outrageous. And our media could solve that in a heartbeat if they actually opened it up, you know, but they don't. So I think that's more commentary on the crisis in our media.
Over three-quarters of the American people are saying it's time to open up the debates. We have rejected these two candidates [Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump] at the highest levels of disapproval in our history.
The Republicans are... there is a small [Donald] Trump remnant, which is going over the cliff right now.
You know we have Democratic centrists here to blame for the economic conditions driving this rightwing extremism. So the solution here, you know, is not Hillary Clinton and more of the Clintonism centrist, the centrist Clinton philosophy that is greeding this economic misery.
Ajamu Baraka comes out of the tradition of the African-American intellectuals, the people who really been standing up for African-American rights and economic rights and workers rights.
There are potentially hundreds of billion dollars, potentially more, that could be saved by moving to a clean energy system. Studies [on healthier diet] show those savings, in fact, are enough to pay the costs of creating 100% clean renewable energy.
You know, terrorism in Afghanistan had everything to do with the support for the mujahidin by Saudi Arabia and by the CIA that sought to create an international religious extremist group to fight the Soviet Union.
Democracy cannot function just on who do we fear the most, you know, or who do we hate the most; we need an affirmative agenda.
What happened in Cuba, just to cut to the chase, their death rate from diabetes went down 50%, their death rate from heart attacks and stroke went down approximately 30% and all-cause mortality went down 18% while they adhered to the system. Then they opened up their pipeline again from Venezuela, and their health improvements went away.
While they [on Cuba] were eating a healthy and sustainable diet and had no pollution over a period of years these health improvements were sustained. They spent zero dollars improving their health, but they had an absolute miracle of health improvements.
It's no surprise that the corporate media, and many of the nonprofits that are dependent on the big money, they are not allowing our campaign the real alternative to see the light of day.
He [Donald Trump] is like - he's a magnet for crime and extortion and, you know, just really criminal investments which are extremely dangerous.
This administration [of Barack Obama] has massively expanded fossil fuel extraction. So while they give lip service to it, they actually do not walk the walk that we need to walk if we are going to get out of here alive.
We spend $3 trillion a year [on healthcare] and we're only getting sicker.
The Democratic Party is very afraid of having competition that is actually unmuzzled and that can tell the truth, which is why they keep this fear voting system in place.
Even the majority of their own voters do not support them. It's something like 25 percent of [Donald] Trump supporters that actually support him. The majority actually hates Hillary [Clinton], and the same is true for Hillary. One-third of her supporters really like her. They dislike fear and hate Donald Trump. What's wrong with this picture?
Hillary's [Clinton] policies on climate change are a problem too. We ignore her track record at our peril.
Right now we also have this epidemic of obesity and diabetes.
I was really interested in how a health care center could also be a center for the arts and for music, and for bringing together sort of the isolated elements of the community.
The policies that Hillary [Clinton] advocates are going to be more of the same, whether you're looking at her cozy relationships with the banks, her refusal to support Glass-Steagall, her vagueness about what actually she's going to do about the control of the big banks.
Ajamu Baraka is very inspirational.
Who knows what it is, but he [Donald Trump] is incapable of having a consistent thought or policy.
We are subsidizing healthy food instead of subsidizing food that is definitely not healthy for us.