
Jim DeMint Quotes - Page 3

The Tea Party doesn't like politicians.

The Tea Party doesn't like politicians.

"Interview: Sen. Jim DeMint on Tea Party, U.S. Debt, and God's Calling". Interview with Michelle A. Vu, July 4, 2011.

I don't need to be asking for money for local museums and other projects just to make me look good back home.

"The Crisis in a Nutshell: The Zones and Ceilings of National Debt" by Samantha Hening, November 22, 2010.

I can tell you if you look at the polls, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, they do not think we should increase the debt limit.

"Fighting Words: DeMint Warns Republicans They May Be 'Gone' if They Support Debt Ceiling Increase" by Jonathan Karl, Sunlen Miller, June 24, 2011.

From a policy standpoint, the Judeo-Christian principles are important.

"Interview: Sen. Jim DeMint on Tea Party, U.S. Debt, and God's Calling". Interview with Michelle A. Vu, July 4, 2011.

First of all, no candidate is going to win by catering to the alleged Occupy Wall Street vote.

"DeMint Weighs In". Interview with Kathryn Jean Lopez, January 19, 2012.

I drive Fords, and I've driven American cars all my life, and I want to have a strong American manufacturing sector, especially in automobiles.

"GOP Auto Bailout Critic Outlines Rationale". "All Things Considered" with Michele Norris, December 10, 2008.

I have been on shop floors. I have talked to a lot of the companies that create jobs in South Carolina and across the country. And what they want is less regulation.

"Lieberman, Rogers and Hoffa on "State of the Union"". "State of the Union" with Candy Crowley, September 4, 2011.

If a person wants to be publicly gay, they should not be teaching in the public schools.

"Stephen Colbert for U.S. Senate! (Seriously)" by Dean Obeidallah, December 12, 2012.