No single answer can hold the truth of a good heart.
Kaz came to Switzerland where I was teaching to share with me [Heart Sutra] wondrous insight. There he and I worked on this new translation - with my part being to help render it into a verse form that would be good to chant. Since I have worked with many dying people over the years and often share the Heart Sutra with them, I found this new version that we created together to be so much more accessible to those who were facing death.
My test for veracity has always been: How this will settle with a person who is dying? Boundlessness seemed to me to open the door to the true nature of mind that is pointed to in the Heart Sutra.
Kaz's wilder work captures the great beauty of the human heart and the natural world.
I am working on a technical paper on compassion. So I am reading everything I can on the subject, including my own mind and heart.