I have to convince myself I know what I'm doing.
It feels bad to feel like you're not wanted.
I should have been thinking more about my family, how I raised my children, how I maintained life's work, so to speak.
I can't compare family to athletics.
None of the body was designed to play football. Excuse me, you know, football, we're just not designed for.
I'm always gonna be Joe Namath, and I'm not running from that.
I wanna kiss you. I couldn't care less about the team struggguulliing...We're looking to make a noise now and ... I wanna kiss you!
I took my time to find the perfect girl.
It feels good to show some courage.
There's an old saying amongst players in football talking about your general manger and coaches, they speak with a forked tongue.
I wanna kiss you. I couldn't care less about the team struggling.
Until my senior year, baseball and basketball were my best sports; and even when I was a senior, I still wanted to play baseball professionally. But the family wanted me to go to college and I guess I agreed with them or else I would have accepted some of the offers I got.
Of course, in pro ball, they never hit the quarterback in practice.
I have no idea what my batting average was in high school, but I know it wasn't below .450, and that's pretty good hitting where I come from.
I think I could have become an outstanding professional baseball player, but I don't think I could have reached the heights that I have in football - being one of the very top players in the game, being a world champion.
I've been some through some things medically. I've seen some things on my brain. But I've had some treatment - and I've improved.
I was focused on athletics, outdoors, sports.
I deal with football from a realistic, logical point of view.
I like music and I like ladies. I like to see them dance.
I am a football fan, yeah.
Football is a team game. So is life.
I was a very naive young man, and I may still be ignorant about a lot of things.
My ego's not the kind that says, 'I want to be an actor and be accepted as that.
I spent the nights before the Jets' two biggest games last year - for the AFL championship and the Super Bowl - with girls. But I don't consider that bad or foolish of me... The night before a game, I prepare myself both mentally and physically for the next day. I think a ballplayer has to be relaxed to play well; and if that involves being with a girl that night, he should do it.