What a man is is the basis owhat he dreams and thinks, accepts and rejects, feels and perceives.
God spare me sclerosis of the curiosity, for the curiosity which craves to keep us informed about the small things no less than the large is the mainspring, the dynamo, the jet propulsion of all complete living.
I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with Blood.
Something deathless and dangerous in the world sweeps past you...It is something fearful and ominous, something turbulent and to be dreaded, which distends the drama to include the life of nations as well as of men. It is an ageless warning.
I am ready any time. Do not keep me waiting.
So much of TV seems to be chewing gum for the eyes.... TV desperately needs more self-reliance and pride in the medium.