God received from me something He didn't have on His own. My sin. I received something from God I didn't have on my own. His righteousness.
Any sin you cover, God uncovers. Any sin you uncover, God covers.
You don't have to be rich to be generous. You have to be generous to be generous.
God has been preparing me for what God had prepared for me.
You cannot control sin. Sin will control you. Do not try to manage sin.
You can't compartmentalize unforgiveness. You can't control sin. You can't manage sin. Sin is never satisfied with the amount of you it possesses.
If a preacher tells you how God says you are, I don't see how you can say that's bad preaching.
Sin regardless of how you get there is a vulnerable and a dangerous place to be. Living in unforgiveness is living in an unsafe place.
Human speculation is no match for divine revelation.
Will you ask God to bring you to the place where you're willing to be willing?
The beginning of knowledge is to know thyself a sinner.
All our good works and good intentions can't solve our sin problem.
You can know you're a Christian if, not are you dealing with your sin before God but is God dealing with you about your sin.
Who influenced you? When did they influence you? How have they influenced you? What have you done with their influence?
The Christian life is anything but boring.
I don't know of a way to have a generous church without a generous pastor.
You must emulate the truth you exhort.
If you choose to be obedient to God, God meets you with divine enablement.
As a pastor our main ministry is exhortation.
This is one beggar who has found bread telling others where to find it.
It's very different to live with a mask.
All the good you've ever done does not make it permissible to sin now.
David did not pay for his forgiveness. He did pay for his unforgiveness.
Is your transgression forgiven?
You can cross the line but you can also be forgiven.