Love has been stronger than the air you breathe.
I am an athlete in every sense of the word. Athlete, martial artist.
Technology is the gene uncorked.
In my mind, I've never lost a fight.
Why do I have to pay a reconnect fee when you all made the mistake?
The universe is the baby of time.
I've dominated a majority of my opponents. Very few people I only win against. Most of the time it's pretty one-sided. That's success to me.
Nothing can take the place of true love.
One of the greatest forms of success is to be able to help others accomplish their own success.
Like a raisin in the sun; that will swivel up and fade away. Your success dreams will swivel up and fade away, if you are not motivated enough to work for them.
In a fight, you got to know that there's a strong chance you're going to get hurt. But at the same time, you know, most of the injuries you sustain in fighting are not career-ending injuries.
When you are down and out, find something or someone to love.
Opportunity seldom come along and knock you on the Head.
True love can't be bought.
Don't be (dis.grun.tled), disgruntled that someone else is more successful than you are. Let their success motivate you to become successful.
Talk is cheep. Love is priceless.
As a customer service representative; it is hard to deal with people who has an attitude when I pick up the phone.
The worst injury I've ever seen in a fight was with Anderson Silva when his leg snapped in half.
Successful people are people of (, motivation, and action.
How the hell can I owe that much? That's not right.
I don't have a list, really. I just want to fight guys that are highly respected by the fans, and I want to fight guys who make me nervous. With high risk comes great reward. I want to be a champion that can honestly look people in the eye and say, "I've fought the best guys in the world."
Love can climb the highest mountain or sink to the lowest depth
Trust may be in short supply after years of disappointments. However, improvement could come in a bat of an eye!
When it comes to love, too many people are out to lunch.
When there is, love life gets better.