
Jose Manuel Barroso Quotes - Page 2

All Quotes Country European Union
I believe that Europe without Britain at the heart will be less reform-driven, less open, less international Europe.

I believe that Europe without Britain at the heart will be less reform-driven, less open, less international Europe.

"José Manuel Barroso: "How is Britain so open to the world, but so closed to Europe?"". Interview with David Miliband, July 11, 2012.

Growth based on debt is unsustainable, artificial.

"EU near austerity limit, says Barroso" by Ian Traynor, April 22, 2013.

The euro area must not be treated as an "opt out" from the European Union.

"José Manuel Barroso: 'The speed of the European Union can no longer be the speed of the most reluctant member'" by Jose Manuel Barroso, November 12, 2011.