
Joseph Conrad Quotes - Page 3

All creative art is magic, is evocation of the unseen in forms persuasive, enlightening, familiar and surprising.

Joseph Conrad (2015). “The Complete Novels of Joseph Conrad - All 20 Works in One Premium Edition: Including Unforgettable Titles like Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, The Secret Agent, Nostromo, Under Western Eyes and Many More (With Author’s Letters, Memoirs and Critical Essays)”, p.4543, e-artnow

A man's most open actions have a secret side to them.

Joseph Conrad (2015). “Joseph Conrad Ultimate Collection: 18 Novels, 20+ Short Stories, Letters & Memoirs: Including Classics like Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, The Duel, The Secret Agent, Nostromo, Victory, The Shadow-Line & Under Western Eyes”, p.2311, e-artnow

As a general rule, a reputation is built on manner as much as on achievement.

Joseph Conrad (2016). “Joseph Conrad: The Complete Novels [Nostromo, Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, The Secret Agent, etc.] (Book House)”, p.1301, Book House

Necessity, they say, is mother of invention, but fear, too, is not barren of ingenious suggestions.

Joseph Conrad “The Secret Sharer and Other Stories”, W. W. Norton & Company

To have his path made clear for him is the aspiration of every human being in our beclouded and tempestuous existence.

Joseph Conrad (2015). “Complete Short Stories of Joseph Conrad (Including His Memoirs, Letters & Critical Essays: Unforgettable Tales like Heart of Darkness, Point of Honor, Falk, Secret Sharer, The Return & Freya of Seven Isles”, p.1325, e-artnow

There is nothing more enticing, disenchanting, and enslaving than the life at sea.

Joseph Conrad (1905). “Lord Jim”, p.7, McClure, Phillips & Company

Vanity plays lurid tricks with our memory, and the truth of every passion wants some pretence to make it live.

Joseph Conrad (2005). “Selected Works of Joseph Conrad”, p.225, Wordsworth Editions

Madness alone is truly terrifying, inasmuch as you cannot placate it by threats, persuasion, or bribes.

Joseph Conrad, Bruce Harkness, S. W. Reid (1990). “The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale”, p.31, Cambridge University Press

I have wrestled with death. It is the most unexciting contest you can imagine.

Joseph Conrad (2015). “Heart of Darkness”, p.101, Joseph Conrad

The real significance of crime is in its being a breach of faith with the community of mankind.

Joseph Conrad (1905). “Lord Jim”, p.145, McClure, Phillips & Company

A certain simplicity of thought is common to serene souls at both ends of the social scale.

Joseph Conrad (2015). “The Complete Works of Joseph Conrad: 20 Novels & 26 Short Stories (Including Memoirs, Essays & Letters in One Single Edition): Classics of World Literature from One of the Greatest English Novelists: Heart of Darkness, The Duel, Lord Jim, The Secret Agent, Nostromo, The Shadow-Line & Under Western Eyes”, p.2084, e-artnow

There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies.

Joseph Conrad “Heart of Darkness”, W. W. Norton & Company

It is to be remarked that a good many people are born curiously unfitted for the fate waiting them on this earth.

Joseph Conrad (1915). “Wisdom and Beauty from Conrad: Selected and Arranged by M. Harriet M. Capes”

Vanity plays lurid tricks with our memory.

Joseph Conrad (2005). “Selected Works of Joseph Conrad”, p.225, Wordsworth Editions

I always went my own road and on my own legs where I had a mind to go

Joseph Conrad (2012). “Heart of Darkness Thrift Study Edition”, p.6, Courier Corporation