
Josh Hutcherson Quotes - Page 4

Acting is one thing, but actually trying to change the world and the way people think to make people's lives better? That's the stuff I'm most proud of.

Acting is one thing, but actually trying to change the world and the way people think to make people's lives better? That's the stuff I'm most proud of.

"‘Hunger Games’ Star Josh Hutcherson Talks Gay Attraction, Says He Doesn’t Rule It Out", October 9, 2013.

The girls I've dated hate me a little because I can't remember anything about first dates or when we kissed. I have the worst memory in the world!

"Get to Know The Hunger Games' Josh Hutcherson (He's a Genuinely Nice Guy, Promise!)". Interview with Ashley Edwards Walker, October 4, 2013.

Vampires can do whatever they want whenever they want, like fly around all the time. Plus, girls love vampires. Maybe they don't want to admit it, but they do, which is a plus.

"Josh Hutcherson Dishes on the 'Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant'". Seventeen interview, October 21, 2009.

When you think hotness appeal, vampires automatically fall into that category.

"Josh Hutcherson Dishes on the Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant". Seventeen Magazine Interview, October 21, 2009.

Overall, vampires are a much more refined people; vampinese are much more barbarian and monstrous.

"Josh Hutcherson Dishes on the 'Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant'". Seventeen interview, October 21, 2009.